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Rubenfeld Synergy Certification Training Program


The Ilana Rubenfeld Foundation Announces its Rubenfeld Synergy Certification Training Program

• The 3-year training program incorporates live webinars and on-sites (Philadelphia, PA)
• The training kicks off with first live webinar on September 5, 2018

The Ilana Rubenfeld Foundation (TIRF) is offering a comprehensive, 3-year
certification training program. Synergists-in-training will learn and practice the art and skills of a proven and
effective healing modality that powerfully combines respectful, listening touch with verbal processing.

For anyone seeking to become a catalyst for healing and change in the world, the RSM certification training
program provides the learning, skills and tools needed to step confidently into your own private practice,
helping clients resolve a variety of physical and emotional issues that reside in the body.

The program is ideally suited to current bodyworkers and mental health professionals seeking to deepen and
add dimension to their existing practices to provide a totality of healing, as well as professionals searching
for an autonomous career path that allows them to be a catalyst for healing and change in the world. The
training program is designed to allow trainees to maintain their current roles as professionals and/or
caregivers, while learning new skills that will prepare them to see clients in their own part-time or full-time

The three-year program includes:
• 12-15 enriched learning live webinars per year
• Two on-site training sessions per year (Philadelphia, PA)
• One-on-one mentorship program
• Practice client program

Program tuition is $4,500 per year and does not include travel cost, lodging, and food at the on-sites.

For detailed information, or to register, please visit www.rubenfeldsynergytrainingprogramphiladelphia.com
or contact Joan Brooks at (304) 261-1443, or via email: [email protected].

About RSM.

The Rubenfeld Synergy Method (or RSM) is a healing modality that combines intentional,
respectful, listening touch with verbal processing. Working with the dynamic integration of body, mind,
emotions, and spirit, Rubenfeld Synergists address a wide variety of ailments by listening to and using the
wisdom of the body in a practical way to resolve any underlying issues. RSM was developed by Ilana
Rubenfeld, a musician seeking her own balance and healing. When existing modalities did not adequately
address her need to integrate body, mind, emotions and spirit in her healing journey, she decided to pursue
the connection herself. As a result, she created the Rubenfeld Synergy Method, which combines awareness
through respectful, listening touch and the verbal processing of what is happening “in the now.”

Training Contact:
Joan Brooks
Training Director
[email protected]
(304) 261-1443