Home July Issue Contributors Genovino Ferri

Genovino Ferri


GENOVINO FERRI is a Psychiatrist e Reichian Analyst. Genovino is a Member of the New York Academy of Sciences (N.Y.A.S.) and Director of the Italian School of Reichian Analysis (S.I.A.R.) Course of Specialization in Psychotherapy (D.M. 16-01-2004).

•International Training courses for Supervisori a Berlino, San
Paolo, Atene, Sofia Roma.
•President of the Italian Body Psychotherapy Association
•Author of the book Psychopathology and Character (Ed.
Alpes 2012).
•Author of the book Body Sense: Stories of Psychotherapy
(Ed. Alpes 2017).
•Ebook Body Sense. (Ed. Alpes 2017).
•Ebook Psychopathology and Character. (Ed. Alpes 2018).
•Director of Mind Body Collection of the Alpes Edizioni.
•Already director of the “Complex Operational Unit”of
Psychiatrist e Psychotherapy of Atri, Asl Teramo.
*Directs “Studio Analysis,” ambulatory of Psychotherapy and
Social Clinic in Atri.