GenPax: Birth Matters


By John Chamberlain

It is no longer acceptable for the more than 20 organizations dedicated to pre and perinatal life to operate as singular entities. We must band together and collaborate, we must aggregate our collective power to change the behaviors of the medical maternity community. If we are to successfully move the needle from traumatic birth – as a daily practice of U.S. hospitals – to a peaceful birth culture, we must form a unified front.

When it comes to giving birth, we’ve always known what to do – ask any mother! The path to good birth is written deeply into our DNA, and it’s not the role of hospitals or their medical staff to counteract this natural programming. If we continue to birth more than 90{f4ab6da3d8e6a1663eb812c4a6ddbdbf8dd0d0aad2c33f2e7a181fd91007046e} of the coming generation in hospital-based maternity, then their staff members must understand their supporting role better or risk losing the implicit support paid by expecting parents.

Parents will comprise the coming revolution in birthing practices. APPPAH is designing the Conscious Baby™ Prenatal Parenting Program in order to facilitate a turning of the tide. This tsunami of good birth will result from a new wave of understanding. The strength of this shock wave has already been measured within our professional community. The passion displayed by practitioners wraps around the globe in the loving guidance of tens of thousands of body workers, doulas, midwives, and lactation specialists already at work laying the path brick by brick.

It is our assignment – our given role collectively – to take up the mantle now. The time for keeping the secret life of the unborn child to ourselves is over. Bradley Method, for example, has directly trained six thousand parents since 1965. Imagine the influence toward natural childbirth that this has had on subsequent generations of those families! These decades have been a formative time of gathering evidence to demonstrate to the rest of the world the truth of what began as a hunch, coming in surprising testimonials in the 1970’s. Work on these ideas resulted in JOPPPAH articles being translated into 15 or more languages – igniting the fire of desire to know more – seeking empirical proof of the Conscious Baby™.

In this new paradigm, the humans coming into life on the planet are Prescient, they know things already. We sometimes have referred to these young and gifted humans as child prodigies. Guess what, the number of so-called child prodigies is growing exponentially. More are reported by delighted and astonished parents and families daily. These babies are Attuned to the environment surrounding them, beginning with the circumstances of their human conception, gestation and birth. Because these souls have prior eXperience – whatever you wish to believe, they have it – they are demonstrating their understanding long before they could have acquired these skills through cognitive learning. In short, we are witnessing the first arrivals on earth of Generation PAX. These babies are Prescient, Attuned, and eXperienced. They are here to bring about an era of peace that will be the result of the solutions they bring with them. This is why good birth matters—if we get this right, their pathway will be clear of avoidable trauma, enabling them to focus on the extraordinary insights they bring.

There is bad news and good news. The bad news is that we are a small minority of the welcoming committee for GenPAX. The good news is we are extraordinarily dedicated to bringing about the new paradigm of Good Birth. Now we have empirical proof of that 50-year-old hunch. We know that babies IN UTERO are conscious. We are armed with the truth. And this places The Conscious Baby™ at the center of all social science. The hidden headline in all of this is that the reality of The Conscious Baby™ plays a central role in optimizing the human experience; it plays a foundational role in happiness, productivity, creativity and longevity. In short the economic sustainability of humankind hinges on these fundamentals. Our appreciation for the ecological gifts of our home – EARTH – hinges on these same principles. If we get this right – that good birth really matters – so many other pieces of the grand mosaic of humankind will fall into balance and we will achieve the intended outcomes. None of this diminishes the striving of humans to grow, learn, and coexist peacefully. There will always be more to do in another lifetime, should you wish to attend.

But this is the golden age in which GenPAX returns the favor of good birth and brings its own offspring on stage for the next act. I assure you it will be even more entertaining than theirs. So, to enable this generation of humanity coming globally to help us, we must set about two important tasks: training Parents and creating welcoming Places of Birth.

Parents and Places of Birth

First we must clearly communicate the benefits of good birth to the parents who globally are creating 500,000 new conceptions today. Yes, TODAY. And 200,000,000 conscious babies are in-utero now. Yes, two hundred million babies in their mother’s womb right now. Imagine the positive influence we can have on GenPAX by reducing stress, increasing a sense of safety, and expanding the loving guidance of mothers and fathers birthing GenPAX! We will do this today, tomorrow and the next day, and the next, and on and on until they are just too big to play peacefully inside – and they come out to play.

Our methods for reaching parents are improving. We know we need to be mobile and digital yet not lose touch with the value of in-person interactions. Today, across all of society, half of email is opened on a mobile device. If you are Hispanic by cultural origin, you open 75{f4ab6da3d8e6a1663eb812c4a6ddbdbf8dd0d0aad2c33f2e7a181fd91007046e} of emails on a portable device. Online learning has enabled universities to reach beyond the imitations of room and board and steamer trunks that limited advanced study to classrooms and libraries in the past. Today’s learning environment is once again HOME. We are home schooling in record numbers. You are either continuing your education after college or you are being left behind professionally. Maybe you have already enrolled in a MOOC or other online course.

The APPPAH Classwomb™ is currently training more than 200 Prenatal and Perinatal Educators in 23 countries to bring this learning to their clients. Many of these are the parents of GenPAX.

We plan to train tens of millions of parents who want to become pregnant. Initially, we plan to reach 5,000,000 North Americans with The Conscious Baby™ Prenatal Parenting Program by 2021. In order to do this, APPPAH will identify the top 25 cities by birth statistics and create national events each month that will be broadcast locally. These events will consist of 30 minutes of content by APPPAH’s experts, and 30 minutes of dialog in the local setting for parents. These events will serve to promote APPPAH’s online / offline offerings. We anticipate that we will need to train 1,000 Conscious Baby™ facilitators who will begin the process of finding and inviting parents to these interactive broadcasts. We will spread the word through offices of birth professionals (body workers, doulas, midwives, maternity, obstetrical, pediatrics and more) to find interested parents. The mother-father-baby triad is our focus. And our message is that good birth matters. If you knew that you could increase the IQ of your child 30{f4ab6da3d8e6a1663eb812c4a6ddbdbf8dd0d0aad2c33f2e7a181fd91007046e} by singing and playing with them in utero would you do it?
Second, these newly informed parents will seek out a maternity program near where they live. This would be ideal to lower stress and improve compliance with the guidelines of The Conscious Baby™ Prenatal Parenting Program.

APPPAH will form and launch a Places of Birth™ initiative to identify early adopter hospitals, and to certify the hospital/healthcare organization or maternity birthing centers in the tenets of good birth. This will not only be good for their maternity business but positively establish their brand in a growing family and community. It can significantly reduce risk and increase revenue. It can generate downstream customers and spreads good will. It can produce earned media in the form of “good news” which can bolster their financial bottom line, thereby increasing the value of their business enterprise. Who would have thought that reforming birth practices could do all that?

The APPPAH Conscious Baby Places of Birth™ Certification will bring a hospital or birthing center into alignment with everything we have learned over the past 50 years. Here is a partial list of existing and new departments in a place of birth that could benefit from the Conscious Baby™ Program: Nutrition, physical fitness, conscious conception, fertility counseling, gestation health, natural pain management, gentle birth, sacred hour, breast feeding, infant massage, post-partum counseling, well baby care, body work and more.

The business model for APPPAH’s Conscious Baby™ Certification focuses on SITE, STAFF, and PROGRAM readiness for Conscious Baby principles. As parents enter The Conscious Baby™ Prenatal Parenting Program, we will guide them ONLY to places of birth that have completed APPPAH’s Conscious Baby™ Certification. Birth in the U.S. today contributes at least $50 billion per year to our economy. Our goal is to significantly IMPROVE OUTCOMES, LOWER RISK by reducing complications of maternity and childbirth, and enable birthing facilities to safely INCREASE THROUGHPUT. The outcome can be “better birth” for humankind. This will increase the bottom line profitability of Places of Birth™. We have developed a financial model that demonstrates this. Early adopters will strengthen our case and blaze the trail for broad adoption of the APPPAH Conscious Baby™ Certification worldwide.





This is Our Time

Of all the things we have learned over the past 50 years, the most important take-away at this moment is that we must band together, under one big tent, so that our voice will be heard. We shall no longer be the “Smallest Who in Who Ville.” Let us bring together all the organizations that have been striving for decades for better birth, to deliver on this promise! This is our time. We have the understanding and evidence that what we practice can birth a more peaceful, resilient, creative, healthy and productive society. Let us call for governments to invest in the first 1,000 days of life instead of spending later in life when returns are lower. Let us support babies where birth is natural, peaceful, and wholesome.

But this is the golden age in which GenPAX returns the favor of good birth and brings its own offspring on stage for the next act. I assure you it will be even more entertaining than theirs. So, to enable this generation of humanity coming globally to help us, we

Parents will lead this revolution.
They always have!
Hospitals will go where the money is.
They always have!
The GenPAX welcoming committee will keep going against the odds.
We always have!
If we get this right, GenPAX will return the favor by improving life on earth.
That will be a refreshing change!

John C. Chamberlain, Sr. is also a prolific speaker and writer as well as a successful businessman. He serves as a strategic advisor to early stage companies, President of Global Mile Solutions and Vice President of KnowWho. He is a scoutmaster, a singer (church and regional choirs), and an outdoor enthusiast (backpacking, cycling and mountaineering).
John’s dedication to APPPAH continues his father’s legacy and devotion. Their love for humanity—for babies and families —carries on in their writings and their deeds.

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