Inside Shame Transformation: Election Thoughts

When we are on the receiving end of projected shame, blame or guilt, it can cause us to feel so demoralized that we don’t want to accept it. We want to project this shame or blame OUT to almost anywhere we aren’t.

Inside Shame Transformation: What’s happening for you

I can’t stress a vital principle of AST Model of Holistic Shame Resolution work enough: wade into the waters of your client, co-create with them and allow them to guide your guidance.

Therapeutic Insights into Infant Massage

Like many parents, I fantasied about the mother I hoped to be. Unfortunately, as a young mother, I experienced the birth of a pre-term baby. The birthing process itself and the subsequent moments following are significant and prepare us to connect with the baby, but in the case of premature birth nothing is known, or expected. Nothing could prepare my daughter and me for the cognitive dissonance we experienced at her birth. I called my uterus the ‘unfaithful uterus’ that betrayed not only her, but also me. A plastic box and a medical team that undoubtedly saved her life were her external uterus.

Deep Discount on Deep Play

SPT Magazine offers our sincerest thanks to Neal Brodsky and Katelynn Bartleson for their creative and collaborative contributions to SPT Magazine readers! Neal's chapter, entitled,...

Preaching to the Preacher

Serendipity? Fate? Karma? Divine intervention? What force has brought no less than six Christian ministers to this Jewish somatic psychotherapist? Ronan M. Kisch writes about his experience with spirituality, religion, and his role 'preaching' to the preachers.

How a Mother’s Voice Shapes Her Baby’s Brain

It is no surprise that a child prefers its mother’s voice to those of strangers. Beginning in the womb, a foetus’s developing auditory pathways sense the sounds and vibrations of its mother. Soon after birth, a child can identify its mother’s voice and will work to hear her voice better over unfamiliar female voices.

Inside Shame Transformation

Shame is often experienced as a massive, tornado-like swirl of helplessness and hopelessness that keeps tearing through our hearts and minds, through the very core of our being. Its redundant looping can become stuck on any number of thoughts of inadequacy: I am such a terrible failure; there is no way anyone could ever love me; I shouldn’t even bother trying, there’s no way I’m gonna measure; I don’t want anyone to see me; No one could ever understand what I am going through. It’s as if these voices trap people inside the black hole of shame’s universe, with seemingly no way out.

Invitation to a webinar on research on the effectiveness of Somatic Experiencing®

The Danish and European research coalition are hosting a webinar/fundraiser for their up coming research project, February 8, at 5-7 pm CET, 9 -11 am MST.

Different Strokes for Different Folks: The BodyMind Approach as a Learning Tool for Patients...

By Helen Payne and Susan Brooks Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common and costly in both primary and secondary health care. It is gradually being...

The Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration 35th Annual Conference June 2019: Call...

The Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI) is almost ready for their formal call for submissions for the 35th Annual Conference to be held in Lisbon, Portugal from Thursday, June 6, to Saturday, June 8, 2019. The conference site will be the University of Lisbon.