Home Mind/Body/Spirit Cognitive complexity, COVID-19, and embodied cognition on #ORadio

Cognitive complexity, COVID-19, and embodied cognition on #ORadio


Michael Ostrolenk speaks with Dr. Dee Joy Coulter, a nationally recognized neuroscience educator known for her unique ability to present complex ideas in clear and humorous ways that are useful for her audiences. Dr. Coulter discusses COVID-19 and the cognitive complexity that would be necessary to adequately deal with the pandemic. Most importantly, it would require a body-mind connection that allows us to approach ideas as complex systems, to have the foresight to anticipate and plan for such events. While we are likely to walk away from this pandemic having cultivated new skills, our society will also need to hone higher order thinking to better prepare for likely similar future events.



To learn more about Dr. Dee Joy Coulter, view her work on EmbraceYourBrain.com, where you can listen to her podcasts and read her blog. You can also check out her book – Original Mind – on her website.

Today’s show is brought to you by Somatic Psychotherapy Today, an online resource for all topics related to body-oriented psychology.