Home FEATURED ARTICLE HOME PAGE SPT Magazine Volume 14, Number 2 Winter 2024 is now live

SPT Magazine Volume 14, Number 2 Winter 2024 is now live


Volume 14, Number 2, Winter 2024 is live. With this issue, we celebrate our homecoming to the USABP as we join resources with their membership, outreach and The International Body Psychotherapy Journal.

It is fitting that these two publications now reside under one roof. They share the same goals and principles: both are community-generated and free to read. By bringing both publications together, we can now support a platform that offers a full range of information—from peer-reviewed articles that cover research, case studies, emerging clinical practices, and interviews with community leaders who are charting new paths, and spearheading new theories, to book and film reviews, important online webinars and events, and musings that light up our creativity.

If you have work you want your colleagues to know about, or as a newly credentialed therapist, want that first opportunity to publish a paper, or let us all know about your dissertation research, we are here to make sure your good work is not left to gather dust on a shelf. We are a thriving field, and we need to make ourselves visible to ourselves first so that we know who we are when we take our message into greater venues.

And, if we are to fully represent our members and serve the diversity of the USABP Alliance of Somatic Educators, we need your help. If you have professional experience in publishing or see this as an opportunity to take your first steps in that direction, connect with us. We need readers, peer-reviewers, content and copy editors, designers, and social media communicators—wizards of all sorts to make a journal and a magazine happen.

We look forward to writing together in 2025.

To download our PDF, please click here.