Home Mind/Body/Spirit Soul Mothers’ Wisdom

Soul Mothers’ Wisdom


Bette J. Freedson, L.I.S.W., L.C.S.W., C.G.P, read from  her new book, Soul Mothers’ Wisdom: Seven Insights for the Single Mother, and discussed her writing process at the South Berwick Public Library last night (South Berwick, Maine).

A clinical social worker and certified group psychotherapist, Freedson shared parts of her own struggle as a single mom raising two daughters and her fears of writing a book. She spent 14 years on this first book and joked that she doesn’t have that much time for the books waiting to be written.

Freedson was engaging, entertaining, and fully embodied–her presence peaceful yet light and lively. As she read her stories of coming to Self and inner wisdom, explored her own marriage, divorce and then the death of her ex-husband, and discussed the ins and outs of writing, revising, working with a publisher, I found myself immersed in the experience, a pleasant place of connection and resonance. Questions came to mind in terms of supporting other psychotherapists wanting to write their stories, balance their lives with their craving to publish.  I was able to ask a few questions and look forward to more time with Freedson, to sharing more of her insights with our readers and perhaps encouraging more therapists to write and publish.

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