Home Book Reviews A review of the Handbook of Body Psychotherapy & Somatic Psychology

A review of the Handbook of Body Psychotherapy & Somatic Psychology


There’s always this sense of anticipation when I read a book by editors and authors I personally know. My belly churns; there’s an involuntarily pause before I exhale, and my heart adds a beat to its rhythmic song; a resonance exists that translates from colleague to text. I hear their voice while reading as if we are together, in person, having an amicable chat.

When I heard that Halko Weiss, HalkoCourtenay YoungCourtenay Youngand Michael SothMichael sothwere part of The Handbook of Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology,

(I didn’t know Gustl Marlock) Gustle Marlock color

when I heard that many colleagues had contributed chapters, I immediately had to read it and share my thoughts with SPT Magazine’s readers.

I had no clue what I was in for!

You can read the full review here