Walking Meditation

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    • C. Meditation in Nature
      "Relaxingly. Out, out, out. Joyfully. In, in, in. Out, out, out. We are caressing the Earth with our feet. Gentle steps, loving steps. Let's continue to breathe and walk joyfully" (pg. 42). I just returned from a 7 day backpacking trip, the Sierra High Route. There is no set trail for the most part, just routes that people have semi followed to get from point A to point B, pending on your choice of start and end points. The scenery was spectacular, our footfalls landing on where they may, be it dirt, rock, scree, boulders, grassy meadows, streams and rivers. One day, a necessary route change meant adding 10 additional miles and 52 switch backs up a steep mountainside to reach the ridge. It was late in the day, extremely hot actually, and our group was exhausted. We set our pace, slow as I have been practicing in this meditation process, with a break every 15 minutes. While the others carried their "burdens", I breathed in with peace and stepped with joy. I used the experience to truly be in the joy of the moment, to let my feet land and caress the Earth, to let my breath follow a three in and three out pattern, though at times it was closer to four because of the steep incline. As we set up camp that night, the others complained about the journey. I listened, validated their experience. And, I embraced my experience, the joy and the peace I felt. I was not exhausted but rather I felt infused with energy. I continued to practice throughout the trip. Nature, conscious breathing, mindful walking. Truly the best way for me to backpack!
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    • 4 years, 8 months ago


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