Home Subscribers Somatic Praxis in Practice Invitation to a webinar on research on the effectiveness of Somatic Experiencing®

Invitation to a webinar on research on the effectiveness of Somatic Experiencing®


The Danish and European research coalition are hosting  a webinar/fundraiser for their up coming research project using the SE protocol the European research team developed. It will be worth attending. Please share this widely.

Time and Date: Weds Feb 8th 8 am PST, 9 am MST 10 am EST, 1 pm BAT, 5pm CET

At present there is a huge need for research on the effectiveness of the Somatic Experiencing approach. The purpose of this webinar is to present a research project in progress.

The Danish Research Committee has now, in collaboration with EASE, prepared a research project on the effectiveness of Somatic Experiencing in reducing Posttraumatic Stress symptoms, and enhancing mental health wellbeing for young adults and adults.

In this webinar they will put forward their research design including, protocol, and SE Manual prepared for research purposes and a computer based data process program XPsy.

By the present study the Researchers want to prove the effectiveness of SE by using a naturalistic client centered method of examination based on practice, rather than an approach based on the method. The aim is to create practice based evidence where the focus is on the effectiveness of the approach, which the therapist find most appropriate for the specific client.

Frank Vestergaard Olsen, Psychologist, SEP
Ulrik Jørgensen, Psychologist, SEP
Kripa Lene Henriksen, Psychotherapist, SEP
Franz Fisher, Psychologist, SEP

Registration: E-mail
[email protected]