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Seeking Somatic Clinicians with Experience in Hoarding


I am currently recruiting somatic therapists who have experience with hoarding disorder in their practice for my dissertation research. If this research does not apply to you, I would appreciate you sharing this post with colleagues in relevant psychosomatic communities. Participants are asked to share their experience working with client(s) diagnosed with a form of hoarding (hoarding disorder or OCPD) using a narrative inquiry method of interviewing.

As a token of gratitude for your generous time and effort, I am offering a $26 Amazon Gift Card.

Since the traditional method of treatment has yielded low clinically significant changes**, it is productive to improve efficacy by exploring other treatment methods. Your help will push the progress of treatment for hoarding, a recalcitrant manifestation that tends to isolate people from their community and that costs cities thousands of dollars in hazardous cleanups.

I am conducting this dissertation research under the supervision of Tanya Wilkinson, Ph.D. at California Institute of Integral Studies.

Click here to access a flyer with detailed information. I thank you for your precious time and consideration.

If you have questions about the study, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

With Gratitude,

Diana Yee, M.A.

PsyD Candidate

California Institute of Integral Studies


**The meta- analysis (Tolin, Frost, Steketee, & Muroff, 2015; N = 232) showed that although CBT significantly alleviated HD symptom severity, only 35% of the individuals treated achieved clinically significant improvement. Consistently, a recent study, on the help for hoarding (Mathews et al., 2018) found that although the existing CBT-based group treatments, clinician-led group CBT (Steketee & Frost, 2014) and peer-led Buried in Treasure groups (Tolin, Frost, & Steketee, 2014), yielded an average 27.6% reduction in HD symptom severity, less than a third (31%) of the overall sample achieved remission. Additionally, an even more recent study These findings suggest that there may be aspects of HD-related dysfunctions that are not addressed sufficiently by CBT.