Home Book Reviews The Body Remembers: Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment

The Body Remembers: Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment


written by Babette Rothschild

Reviewed by Nancy Eichhorn

Trauma is pervasive in our lives, from smaller situations that trigger feelings of inability and fear to larger catastrophes that render our entire being useless as we careen out of control. Be it a result of human inflicted acts of violence—war, terrorism, genocide— or the result of natural occurrences such as hurricanes, tsunamis, and wild fires that leave us feeling victimized, isolated, abandoned, people walk through their lives numb to their reality.  Their senses are overwhelmed; scenes flash in as if happening now, not then.  People exist in the past as if it is the present. And when these people become our clients, when in fact these people are in part, ourselves, we, as therapists, need to offer hope and possibility to move from then to now, to live a better quality of life than what we are experiencing in the current moment.

But, how?

To read more, please click here


Want to read a little bit for yourself?

We are grateful to W. W. Norton & Publishers for granting SPT magazine permission to share Chapter 2 from The Body Remembers Volume 2: Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment with our readers.

Click here

PDF shared with permission from the International Body Psychotherapy Journal, Volume 16, number 3, Fall 2017 www.IBPJ.org

You can purchase the book here, and yes, SPT magazine receives a few pennies from each sale, which helps to offset the costs of our publication.