Home Association News News from the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy

News from the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy


Distinguished Colleagues:

It is with great pleasure I wish to introduce myself to you, as the new incoming President of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP). The association has continued to serve our profession for over two decades by providing a hub for all somatic psychology. As the new board transitions this year into the administration we hope to continue to champion our mission to help advance the art, science, and practice of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology.

We are proud to bring together the well over two dozen education and training programs who comprise our institutional membership base, and the hundreds of practitioners and clinicians who comprise our community. We will continue in the coming months to inform the community of our endeavors to help advance the profession by improving membership benefits, and helping provide a resource center that promotes collaboration across somatic traditions. It is my hope that USABP becomes an exemplar in the field of bio-behavioral sciences, and as such, I welcome your comments about what you would like to see in the future of our organization.

As I examine the legacy of so many of our past Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, I am inspired to continue to help preserve the rich traditions that so many of us have been gifted to practice and apply within the profession. We are all excited at the opportunity to continue to bring together our community through conferences, webinars, and special interest meetings at conferences all throughout the United States and Canada in the coming years ahead, and hope that if you are not a member of the USABP yet, that you will join now!

On behalf of the board of directors, thank you for your commitment to the scholarship and praxis of somatic psychotherapy, we look forward to getting to know you and serving you!

All the Best,
Dr. Chris Walling, PsyD, MBA, SEP
United States Association of Body Psychotherapy
[email protected]