Home Association News Human Baby, Human Being: Contributions from the Emerging Field of Pre and...

Human Baby, Human Being: Contributions from the Emerging Field of Pre and Perinatal Psychology


Matthew Appleton is pleased to announce an upcoming conference Bristol, UK.

The Human Baby, Human Being conference is said to be invaluable for anyone working with babies, children and parents, as well as valuable to those  interested in how our womb life and birth shape us as adults. It touches upon vital human themes that are central to a wide-range of different professions, such as mid- wives, doulas, body therapists, osteopaths, lactation consultants, educationalists, pediatricians, psychologists and psycho- therapists.

This keynote conference will bring together innovative pioneers who have changed our understanding of the importance of how our womb and birth experience impact us as human beings. Many of the presenters are highly respected authors, lecturers and workshop leaders in the emerging field of prenatal and perinatal psychology, including: Klaus Kappeli-Valaulta, Thomas Harms, Kate White, John Wilks, Cherionna Menzam-Sills, Anna Verwaal, Jenni Meyer, Kate Rosati, and Thomas R. Verny. Their collective insights offer a radical new vision as to how we might welcome babies into the world, support parents and recognize the life-long consequences of these early experiences for individuals and society. Many of them will be offering workshops immediately before and after the conference.

Conference dates: Saturday, June 8, 2019 and Sunday, June 9,  2019

Workshop dates:

Friday, June 7, 2019

10.00am – 5.00pm:

Thomas Harms: The Drama of Perfectionist Parents Matthew Appleton: Birth from the Baby’s Perspective




Cherionna Menzam-Sills: Embodying our Original Embryological Potential with Continuum




Monday, June 10, 2019

10:00 am – 5:00 pm:

Thomas Verny: An Introduction to Pre and Perinatal Psychology




Ludwig Janus: The Collective Psychological Dimension of Pre and Perinatal Psychology



Anna Verwaal: The Long Term Effects of the Conception, Pregnancy and Birth Experience




Kate White: Baby Dynamics – a Full Spectrum Approach to Working with Babies




Costs and booking:

Conference: £195 early bird/ £220 after 31st March 2019

Workshops: £85 early bird/ £95 per workshop day after 31st March 2019

Venue for conference and workshops: Armada House, Telephone Ave, BRISTOL, BS1 4BQ

Booking online at: www.babyconference.co.uk

Administrator: Julie Nettleship [email protected] +44 (0)7803 124 558

Organisers: Conscious Embodiment Trainings, Our Birth Journey and Ehealth Learning