Home Association News Somatic Psychology Conference

Somatic Psychology Conference


The United States Association for Body Psychotherapy just announced their upcoming week long workshop offering the latest tools in somatic psychology–a  discipline that combines somatic, psychic, and interpersonal dimensions.  Four distinct body-mind therapies within the field of somatic psychology: Hakomi, Focusing, Embodied Couples Therapy, and Rubenfeld Synergy will teach participants ways to treat the body as a source of wisdom. Join Jaci Hull, Ann Weiser Cornell, Brian and Marcia Gleason, Joe Weldon and Beth L. Haessig November 1-6, 2015 to learn and discover and embody and be.

This exciting workshop is for mental-health professionals, yoga teachers, bodyworkers, and everyone who wants to experience the psychology of their bodies.

According to the Kripalu website:

Conference topics include

  • Ways to become conscious of what’s being held in your body
  • The implications of working in a somato-psychic model as a client or clinician
  • Various styles of somatic psychotherapeutic practices
  • How somatic psychology techniques are different from traditional counseling and talk therapy
  • What this field and these practices can do for you and your clients.

Discover what your body is trying to teach you and experience the gifts of somatic psychology for your life and work.

I know, from personal experience, that the Kripalu Institute offers gorgeous surroundings to hike and explore as well as numerous yoga classes, meditation, personal experiences like massage, communal dining and more. Lennox, MA, the small town before you reach the campus is quaint, with small shops to explore during your off time if desired. Though, personally, my first RnR retreat at Kripalu was so encompassing I simply never left the grounds for three days; the walking meditation garden offered me a place to mindfully walk and sense and experience.

Learn more and register now at www.Kripalu.org