Home Mind/Body/Spirit SPT Magazine Volume 10, Number 1 online now

SPT Magazine Volume 10, Number 1 online now


During this time of “shelter in place” and complete global uncertainty, I’m thankful for our virtual community. Thank you all for reaching out to write, to vlog, to connect and share your knowledge, your thoughts, and your feelings. We are embodied beings with an instinctual need for closeness, touch, presence. Despite the physical distance, I feel grounded and touched by all who have reached out.

For those who are not part of our Facebook community and who are not following our website posts, I offer the following PDF, Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 2020, to share articles that I’ve published the past few months online. I invite you to visit the SPT website. All articles, blogs/vlogs and book reviews are available online, free.

In Volume 10, Number 1 you will find articles by Gabriel Shiraz, Anthony Acampora, Emma Palmer, Jan Winhall and Serge Prengel. We have incredible book reviews by our interns: Yifan Zhang, Akanksha Anand, and Amal Rohil, as well as two reviews from our Founding-Editor-in-Chief, Nancy Eichhorn.

You can find all of the articles and reviews on our website, as well as in our PDF that you can download and read at your pleasure, CLICK HERE

To find the articles online, simply search for the author’s name.

And if you find yourself with time and the need to write, please let me know. I’ve already started Volume 10, Number 2.

With gratitude,
Nancy Eichhorn, PhD
Founding Editor-in-Chief Somatic Psychotherapy Today


Photo Credit: Martin Sanchez on Unsplash