Home Book Reviews Our Summer Book Review Issue is Live

Our Summer Book Review Issue is Live


We’re pleased to share our Summer Book Review Issue, volume 6, number 2, 2016 with our loyal community members and passersby–folks visiting our blog who might find an article, a review, an author’s reflection of interest.

We have reviews and author reflections for Leslie Korn’s newest release, Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health, Jeffery Maitland’s Embodied Being, Asaf Rolef Ben-Shahar and Rachel Shalit’s edited anthology, When Hurt Remains: Relational Perspectives on Therapeutic Failure and Kamalamani’s Other Than Mother; Choosing Childlessness with Life in Mind, as well as many shorter reviews by our wonderful interns from the National Institute of Psychotherapies.

You can also learn what’s up with the EABP, the USABP and APPPAH and upcoming conferences and training possibilities.

Please remember that if you order these books using our special SPT Magazine Community Member codes you save money! We DO NOT receive any financial kick back for use of our code. It’s simply a win-win situation for all involved . . .  the authors and publishers sell books, you save money and get great books to read, and we feel good connecting the two.

Norton offers 25{f4ab6da3d8e6a1663eb812c4a6ddbdbf8dd0d0aad2c33f2e7a181fd91007046e} off with free shipping, Karnac offers {f4ab6da3d8e6a1663eb812c4a6ddbdbf8dd0d0aad2c33f2e7a181fd91007046e}15 off all books by Asaf Rolef Ben-Shahar, and North Atlantic Books offers discounts on their emails. Just use our codes (you received them when you subscribed to SPT Magazine–it is still free!. If you need them again, please let us know at [email protected]

And if you prefer a digital format for the Summer Book Review issue, click here