Home Association News Attention USABP Conference and EABP Congress Presenters

Attention USABP Conference and EABP Congress Presenters





Greetings USABP Conference and EABP Congress Presenters,

It’s conference time. Well, okay it’s still almost a year away, but it is time to generate interest in pre-conference workshops, keynote speakers, pull-out sessions, and of course the grand extravaganza: who doesn’t love dinner and dancing?

As our tradition, Somatic Psychotherapy Today will focus its Winter 2016 issue on the upcoming USABP Conference, July 21-23 in Providence, Rhode Island, and the EABP Congress, October 13-16 in Athens, Greece.

This is your chance to let the spotlights shine on your workshop (think throngs of paparazzi bustling to capture your image, your content to share with the world).

You are invited to submit an article (1000 to 2000 words) that brings the content of your presentation to life, that provides enlightening, embodied information to encourage readers to sign up to hear, see, experience you and what you have to say.

If you are interested in writing something, please let us know by November 1, 2015.

The first draft deadline is December 15, 2015.

We’re here to answer any questions, to provide any assistance we can so please reach out and let’s talk.

Nancy Eichhorn, PhD
Founding Editor-in-Chief, Somatic Psychotherapy Today
[email protected]

New EABP Congress 2016 banner


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