Home Association News Call for Body Psychotherapy Case Studies

Call for Body Psychotherapy Case Studies




In 2014, the EABP Science & Research Committee (SRC) established a set of simple ‘Guidelines’ for BP/SP Case Studies.

We are now engaged in collecting a number of possible contributions for a soon-to-be published book on “Body Psychotherapy Case Studies” (early 2018)
– this is part of the SRC remit to help to try and establish a reasonably good ‘scientific’ basis for body psychotherapy;
– and to increase awareness of different types of valid research – case studies being one of these;
– and to increase awareness of different ways of working in the field of body psychotherapy / somatic psychology;
– and we are intending to use some of the ‘project’ money in our SRC budget for this purpose.

We invite you to help us in this project.

In the ‘Scientific Symposium’ at the EABP Congress in Athens last year, there were three BP case studies presented.
These are now being written up for this new publication. We have also had some other submissions, and some promises from some people for more written-up BP Case Studies.

We are also very interested in anyone who has already ‘written up’ a BP Case Study, or who is thinking of writing up one, which might form a suitable contribution.

Please extend this invitation to any suitable colleagues, associates or students.

All contributions need to ‘follow’ the EABP SRC Guidelines (see here and see attached). These are the ‘guidelines’ that we hope will give us a common standard.

Older written-up case studies may need to be adapted slightly in order to fit the Guidelines.

All contributions are subject to some possible editing, or possible some editorial ‘advice’ from SRC members.

Please send them to either Frank Röhricht <[email protected]> <[email protected]> and/or Courtenay Young <[email protected]>

Here are some of the ‘goals’ around this ‘project’.

In essence, we would like to achieve three things:
1. Have a representative range of case studies from different BP schools / modalities,
but in a reasonably standardised format … as an example of good practice for all BP / SP practitioners
2. Have a wider representation and recognition of BP practice to be available for dissemination into the academic world
3. Have a stronger platform for the development of qualitative process research in BP

The products / outcomes that we have in mind are the following:
– To produce (at least) one new book of collected BP/SP case studies,
and to edit and publish this in the series of BP books from Body Psychotherapy Publications (see here).
– To work up some of the other submitted case studies – with the help of experienced academics (if necessary) –
with a view to supporting BP authors / colleagues / students to submit these for later publication in suitable peer-reviewed journals.

Thank you for your attention.
We hope that you can help us to support this project.

Courtenay Young, Frank Röhricht
Members of EABP SRC

Body Psychotherapy Publications is supported by the European Association of Body Psychotherapy (EABP), a registered charitable professional association, with a Secretariat in Amsterdam: Tintorettostraat 29/1, 1077 RP Amsterdam, Netherlands. Tel: +31-20-3302703 Fax: +31-20-6257312 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.eabp.org

Body Psychotherapy Publications is also recognized by the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP) as a publication house that makes a significant contribution to the field of Body Psychotherapy. USABP is a professional organization that supports the theory, research, and clinical practice of Body Psychotherapy. Contact: USABP, 8639B 16th St, Silver Spring, MD20910: www.usabp.org

Contact: [email protected]