Home Association News SPT Magazine Welcomes APPPAH

SPT Magazine Welcomes APPPAH


SPT Magazine is pleased to announce our newest connection with APPPAH. Just as the “presidents” for the European Association for Body Psychotherapy and their sister organization the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy offer “Letters” to update our readers about events, trends, and opportunities in their organizations, APPPAH’s President, Sandra Bardsley, will share their association’s happenings as well.

Be sure to read their three full page ads in our Winter 2016 issue offering educational opportunities, a Monday Live connection, and an upcoming workshop.

SPT Magazine welcomes all APPPAH members and looks forward to their contributions as we continue to create a unified foundation to spread the word worldwide about body psychotherapy and somatic psychology, while also bringing it closer to home to support our communities and our clients with healing love and energy.

EABP pictureNew USABP logoAPPAH logo