Home Association News The Fall 2017 issue of the International Body Psychotherapy Journal, volume 16,...

The Fall 2017 issue of the International Body Psychotherapy Journal, volume 16, number 3, is online.


The Fall 2017 issue of the International Body Psychotherapy Journal, volume 16, number 3, is online. You can link to the PDF by clicking here or visit the IBPJ website: www.IBPJ.org.

This issue marks a significant transition to the IBPJ editorial team.

Jill van der Aa, the managing editor since the journal’s inception, is stepping down, and Antigone Orepoulou is stepping up for the Spring 2018 issue. We welcome her to the editorial team.

The fall issue offers a range of papers.

Readers can partake in an in-depth conversation about self-disclosure from a relational body psychotherapy stance, and learn about the concept of client suffering as potentially originating from civilization as well as look at how getting in touch adaptively with the body resonates with helping society get in touch sustainably with the ecosystem. The pioneering work of Sabina Spielrein is explored as is the Triphasic Cumulative Microaggression Trauma Processing Model.

Two books are reviewed along with related commentaries:

Cover for The Body Remembers: Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment by Babette RothschildThe Body Remembers: Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment by Babette Rothschild.


As a thank you to our loyal readers and our subscribers, SPT magazine is pleased to share Chapter 2 from Babette’s book, which received much attention in the review and in Merete  Holm Brantbjerg’s commentary.   

Merete is mentioned in Chapter 2 for her “understanding of, and skill in working with, the lethargic, low energy, state like no one else to my knowledge” (Rothschild, 2017, pg. 45).

Click here to read Chapter 2.

Many thanks to W.W. Norton & Company, Inc for allowing us to share PDF of Chapter 2 from The Body Remembers: Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment by Babette Rothschild with their expressed permission.




Click here to buy the book (yes, SPT receives a few pennies for every book we sell from our website to help offset the costs of our publication).



There is also a review of Character Strengths Interventions: A Field Guide for Practitioners by Ryan Niemiec 




Click here to buy the book (yes, SPT receives a few pennies for every book we sell from our website to help offset the costs of our publication).