Home Take A Tool Take a Tool and Run – Transference – July

Take a Tool and Run – Transference – July


Take A Tool and Run With Dr. Corwin

Dr. Heather Corwin’s Take a Tool and Run is a monthly vlog that offers quick and effective tools to share somatic centering practices.  TTR6 July:

Transference is the projection of a relationship from a person in this history of a client onto the practitioner, often unconsciously. Countertransference is “when the therapist’s feelings regarding a significant person [in their history] are superimposed onto a client” (Corwin, 2018). This TTR suggests a tool to use when we become aware that we are engaged in countertransference with a client. Because we are human, embracing the challenges in ourselves alongside our strengths helps us be the best therapists we can be. More can be found in Dr. Corwin’s (2018) “The Power of Words: Borrowing Psychology for Bodywork,” on www.BodybyHeather.com.

Dr. Heather Corwin
MFA in Acting, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Concentration in Somatic Psychology
Editor-in-Chief, The Players Journal
Former Head of Movement for Actor Training, Northern Illinois University