Home Take A Tool Take a Tool and Run with Dr. Corwin – Breathing Technique

Take a Tool and Run with Dr. Corwin – Breathing Technique


Take A Toll and Run with Dr. Corwin

TTR 1:  This breathing technique helps calm the nervous system.  Research points to breath work decreasing arousal to enjoy a more relaxed state1,2.  In this vlog, Dr. Corwin demonstrates how we can take two minutes to breathe incorporating hand movements by alternating a connection of fingertips to thumb on each hand. In do so, we can slow down the pace of what’s happening (thinking, breathing, doing, etc.).  Clients report this tool helps them center before engaging with people, slow down to sleep, and take the edge off of anxiety.

1Holloway, E. A., & West, R. (2007). Integrated breathing and relaxation training (the Papworth method) for adults with asthma in primary care: A randomised controlled trial. Thorax.

2Nardi, A. E., Freire, R. C., & Zin, W. A. (2009). Panic disorder and control of breathing. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 167(1), 133-143.

Dr. Heather Corwin
MFA in Acting, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Concentration in Somatic Psychology
Editor-in-Chief, The Players Journal
Former Head of Movement for Actor Training, Northern Illinois University