Polyvagal Perspectives: Interventions, Practices, and Strategies
After decades of witnessing misunderstandings and misrepresentations, Dr. Stephen W. Porges wrote Polyvagal Perspectives: Interventions, Practices, and Strategies to set the record straight. He wanted to “clarify his original theory and rectify potential misunderstandings by documenting its scientific foundation” (pg. 24). Porges didn’t propose that PVT be proven or disproven. He wanted further research to inform and modify the theory and provide “a perspective to frame research questions—it is not a static theory” (pg. xiv). PVT consists of two components: a series of hypotheses “driven and future-oriented which could potentially lead to enhancements of mental and physical health” (pg.70) and a descriptive model. Porges wanted to emphasize the role of our autonomic state as “an intervening variable in how we respond to internal and external cues” (pg. 71).
Polyvagal Prompts: Finding Connection and Joy Through Guided Explorations
Beneath our “level of conscious awareness, our nervous system directs our movement toward and away from people, places, and experiences” (Dana & Rolfe, 2024, pg. 56). And this guidance is critical to our health and well-being. But we aren’t born knowing how to do it. Deb Dana, LCSW, and Courtney Rolfe, LCPC joined forces to write “Polyvagal Prompts: Finding Connection and Joy Through Guided Explorations.” They know we don’t innately know how to self-regulate our physiological and psychological states—we learn by co-regulating with attuned caregivers.
The Mindfulness and Character Strengths Workbook
The Mindfulness and Character Strengths Workbook is everything I hoped for and more. It is a well-written, easy-to-follow, detailed to the nth degree workbook with extensive, free online materials to support the process including audio-guided meditations. Congratulations Ryan on a much-needed workbook to support people exploring character strengths and their integration with mindfulness.
The ‘New’ Collected Papers of Biodynamic Psychology, Massage & Psychotherapy: 2022
The ‘New’ Collected Papers of Biodynamic Psychology, Massage & Psychotherapy was produced in celebration of 100 years of Gerda Boyesen’s birth. “There are about 150 substantive articles from 50 different authors. There are more than 1,500 pages and over 850,000 words. It is a collection, a canon, a compilation, an anthology, an album, a compendium, possibly even a treasury.” Thank you Courtenay for providing our readers with a free comprehensive outline, available on our website.
The Psychology of Meditation: Varieties, Effects, Theories, and Perspectives
Peter Sedlmeier offers a representative overview of meditation with a scientific slant in his new book The Psychology of Meditation. Divided into four parts, the text guides readers through varieties of meditation, the effects of meditation, theories of meditation, and concludes with Part 4: Perspectives. He notes that the first 10 chapters build the foundation to support the endpoint, Chapter 11: Perspectives on Meditation Research.
Boundary Boss: The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free
By Nancy Eichhorn, Ph.D.
My inner editor smiles (envision a Cheshire Cat grin) when reviewing a new book and its layout includes all the necessary...
The Practice of Embodying Emotions: A Guide to Improving Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Outcomes
This morning I felt a connective epiphany, a strong resonance, while reading Raja Selvam’s new book, The Practice of Embodying Emotions, chapter 9 specifically, I felt like someone in the driver’s seat actually knew where he was going, directed by an intuitive GPS taking him and me to an emotional place that made sense: sensorimotor emotions. I offer my review of his book in hopes it might shed light on clients you are working with or perhaps something within yourself as well.
Why You’re Still Stuck : How to Break Through and Awaken to Your True...
“If you’re confused and frustrated despite all you know and achieved, or how much you’ve worked on yourself, this book offers 18 unconventional approaches that reveal how you got stuck, how to finally break through, and awaken to your True Self.”
You Are What You click: How Being Selective, Positive, and Creative Can Transform Your...
I started to write, “I’m the worst person to review a book on social media! I don’t use it.” Then, nearing the end of Dr Primack’s book, I realized, I use it more than I think.
I don’t Twitter, nor Instagram. I don’t TicToK or Messenger. I post articles on LinkedIn and use Facebook for the magazine. But a sense of who? me? reached out and grabbed me when Dr Primack discussed Facebook and canned birthday wishes: how people, like me, are reminded of “friends” birthdays so we can offer a greeting, an emoji. What truly tripped me was his discussion on our own take away.
The Proactive Twelve Steps
The Proactive Twelve Steps offers readers a way to develop a deeper understanding of behavioral change, codependency, stress, and trauma, as well as look at neuroscience and the Polyvagal Theory and their impact on our physiology and behavior. Serge presents a clear roadmap for self-compassion and mindful self-discovery and provides specific step-by-step instructions within a broader context that helps readers make sense of the healing process.