SPT Magazine’s Fall Issue is Now Online

Fall often signifies a time of transition as well as a time of return. Summer’s blazing colors transition to softer crimsons, scarlets, golds. Temperatures soften leaving a slight chill in the air and holidays wrap up as we return to school and work. In our Fall issue, we’re pleased to announce the return of Galit Serebrenick-Hai as she writes about addition, memory, trauma and somatic psychotherapy, Amber Gray, who shares her integration of Continuum Movement, somatic psychotherapy and trauma work, Ronan M. Kisch who writes about what he calls the Six Pulse Points of Well-Being, and Shlomit Eliashar, now joined by Yael Shahar, who write about psycho-peristalsis in the shared body. SPT Magazine honors our newest contributor, Dr. Elya Steinberg, as she shares a two-part series exploring transformative moments in the Biodynamic psychotherapy room. And we offer a special memoir written by the late Dr. Eleanor Hamilton about her experiences with Wilhelm Reich. We offer many thanks to Alice L. Ladas (author of The G-Spot) for granting SPT Magazine the rights to publish this remarkable piece.

Volume 7 Number 3 Winter 2018

Addiction is rampant. Drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, shopping, food, social media, digital games, movies, whatever the ‘substance’ the effect is the same—numb out, dissociate, flee from the perception of pain (be it physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual). The number of people who are considered addicts has reached pandemic proportions—no one place, no one race, no one culture is free of this infectious disease. But, is it a disease as many associations responsible for intervention state? Or is it a reflection of our inability to self and/or mutually regulate our affective state? Are these behaviors, labeled as addiction or addictive, are these monikers—addict, addicted— accurate? Or, do labels simply shadow deeper manifestations motivating people to reach for something to quell their emotional fluctuations, to smooth the ups and downs in their bodily being? These questions and more are considered in our Winter issue. Our contributors share their thoughts on addiction, on behavioral patterns that become ‘stuck’, automated, reactionary in the face of overwhelm and affective arousal. Possible physiological causes are considered—think trauma and all that comes with that terminology—and potential interventions are pondered. We invite you to read our articles and to respond to our authors.

Our Spring issue is here

Contributors in our Spring issue represent a diverse global background of academic and clinical training yet all approached our current theme, Embodied Spirituality, from a place of surrender, acceptance, and wonder. The articles in this issue promise to enlighten our readers and engage their curiosity about spirit and its role in our lives in and in our work. We invite you to read our Spring issue, volume 5, number 2, 2015.

SPT’s Special Summer Book Review issue

Our Special Summer Book review issue went live this morning. We offer our special PDF and digital versions to our SPT Community members as a thank you for your continued support and to members of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy for their continued validation of our global publication.