Modern Psychology and Ancient Wisdom: Psychological Healing Practices from the World’s Religious

Modern Psychology and Ancient Wisdom, 2nd edition, brings together experts who explore the use of ancient healing techniques from Buddhism, Christianity, Goddess, Shamanism, Taoism, and Yogic traditions as well as the mystical practices of Judaism and Islam and their application to modern counseling and therapy professions.

Essential Psychopathology & Its Treatment

Essential Psychopathology & Its Treatment, 4th edition, includes updated research and data in the realm of psychopathology, etiology, and neuroscience. It covers the basics as well as the more complex details associated with disorders, psychopharmacology, and treatment.

8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD

8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD is a timely contribution to the existing literature and an excellent choice for parents given its concise, accessible presentation of the facts and its suggestions for how to utilize them to optimize the wellbeing of each individual child.

The Human Elements of Psychotherapy: A Nonmedical Model of Emotional Healing

The Human Elements of Psychotherapy is unique in its call for the rebirth of psychotherapy as a nonmedical procedure. David N. Elkins, Ph.D., experienced clinician and professor, cautions that a medical approach, which has long been accepted as the dominant paradigm in psychotherapy, is not the appropriate model when it comes to psychological healing.


Marcel Duclos wrote his latest book in honor of his dear friend and colleague Connie Robillard. It is a collection of thirty poems, one written every day as she navigated her way through the last month with ocular melanoma as a companion.

Why Therapy Works: Using Our Minds to Change Our Brains

With remarkable candor, Louis Cozolino opens with an anecdote about the client who first challenged his unquestioning faith in psychotherapeutic efficacy and shook his confidence as a clinician. Needless to say, psychotherapy is in the business of dealing with the intangible, making sense of the amorphous feelings that give rise to suffering, and, thus, this story perfectly captures the doubt that often dispirits both clients and clinicians in the healing process.

Trauma and Memory: Brain and Body in a Search for the Living Past

Trauma and Memory illuminates the relationship between the body, memory and emotions. Levine brings hope to trauma sufferers with somatic techniques, but also highlights the complexity of combating traumatic memory. We must take the time to better comprehend the connection between our bodies and emotions, and work towards transforming the responses associated with traumatic memories. Ultimately, Trauma and Memory is a stepping-stone towards a better understanding of the mechanisms of memory through its application of the somatic experience approach.

The Man Who Couldn’t Stop:

David Adam manages to describe his everyday experiences with OCD in an innovative and enlightening way while simultaneously intertwining his narrative with the accounts of other sufferers, theory, and scientific studies. It is a book on history, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, anthropology, and religion and is an essential read for anyone who has, knows somebody with, or is simply interested in OCD.

How We Heal And Grow

Jeffrey Smith, MD offers his definitive self-help guide to personal change in therapy and in life. He believes that healing takes place when feelings are shared with an empathically attuned and safe other and together you will explore motivations, behaviors and places that harbor resistance to change in order to let go and grow forward.

Being Mortal

Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End challenges our medical system to refocus its approach to aging, terminal illness, and death and dying. According to Atual Gawande, medical professionals' job is not to ensure health and survival but to enable well-being. Atul Gawande’s powerful presence on the page, his intimate and detailed vignettes, his humble authenticity, and his personal motivation to write this book make this a must read.