Listening to Your Body: How to Include the Body in a Therapeutic Conversation

In a world dominated by the intellectual and imaginal mind, the body can be shunted to the background as something that’s dumb, numb, inconvenient...

It’s Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth and Birth At Any Age – Review

I was taken by Mia’s presentation of both information about what happens and what outcomes may result and also her specific processes, complete with dialogues and case studies, to work toward understanding and healing moments that can and do create imprints that influence our lives to come—who we are in this world, how we view ourselves within our family system as well as our communities at large, and how we believe the world accepts and values us.

It’s Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth and Birth at Any Age – A Reflection...

Early in the writing of the first draft of It’s Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth and Birth At Any Age, I discovered there were steps, especially in the embryo’s story, that even after studying, I had difficulty envisioning. At the time I wondered, could I leave these hard to reach, yet essential steps out of my written examination? Would anyone besides experienced embryologists and biodynamic craniosacral therapy teachers notice? It didn’t take long to come clean with myself, that if I skipped intricate steps in my understanding, I would only further reinforce what was at the root of my amnesia, and that in order to be whole myself, I had to find out what was going on.

Blossoming is Mandatory, Sparkling is Optional.

By Holly Holt   The Sacramento sky is scattered with fluff. The trees, covered in pink and white blooms reminiscent of the bedspread my mother chose...

Human Baby, Human Being . . .

Matthew Appleton in conversation with Emma PalmerThe 8th and 9th of June 2019 will see the hosting of a fascinating two-day conference here in Bristol in England. The Human Baby, Human Being: Contributions from the emerging field of pre and perinatal psychology conference is being organised by Conscious Embodiment Training and ehealth Learning. An important aim of this landmark event is to bring together professionals interested in the long-term effects of prenatal and birth experiences.

Listening to Your Body: How to Include the Body in a Therapeutic Conversation

Take a moment right now and see where you stand with your body. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to your inner experience. Do you feel intimate, comfortable and confident in this physical space? Place a hand on your abdomen. Do you feel connected and loving? Or, are you distant, awkward, or judgmental?

Neonatal Cardiometabolic Palpation: A New Paradigm in Biodynamic Practice

    By Michael J. Shea, PhD         In The Beginning An infant’s first year is the most metabolically active time in the entire human lifespan. Extensive remodeling of...

Contemplating from the Pre and Perinatal Perspective.

Embodied Awareness with Beth Haessig When we are socializing with other people, our conversation often entails sharing something we know, such as “the government is...

Prenatal and Birth Experience: Shadow and Potential

By Cherionna Menzam-Sills, PhD, ISMETA RSMT/E, RCST Adapted from a chapter in her forthcoming book, Fluid and Cosmos: Embodying Our Original Embryological Potential “Silence like a cancer grows.”...

Exploring the Relationship Between Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Family Violence: A Memoir

Submitted by: Sally Dear-Healey, Ph.D., PPNE, CBE, Doula “Therapists will have much more impact when they are able to conceptualize or discern more precisely what this...