SPT Magazine Welcomes APPPAH

SPT Magazine welcomes the Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health to our community. We look forward to their contributions as we continue to create a unified foundation to spread the word about body psychotherapy and somatic psychology around the world while also bringing it closer to home supporting our communites and our clients with healing love and energy.

Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy

You are invited to read our review of the USABP 2016 Conference entitled: "Sexuality, spirituality and the body: the art and science of somatic psychotherapy. Report on the USABP conference, 20th–23rd July 2016" recently published in Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy.

The Center for GiGong Healing

Master Mingtong Gu and the TCC team will offer their annual Winter of Wellness January 11 through February 8, 2017.

USABP’s “Summer with the President” starts tomorrow night

The USABP is inviting members to spend time on Wednesday night June 7th with their President, Beth Haessig. She will close the last 3 months of her term by being available for this LIVE-Q & A format through the medium of a WEBINAR. Ask a Question, Have a Conversation, Share an Experience, Feel like you're part of the USABP community, through experiential exercises or real-live dialogue. Call in to interact with a real live body-centered professional, whether it's involving a personal issue or professional - we want to keep you hooked in for the summer months through our LIVE CALL-IN WEBINARS.

Integration: A Call for Papers

How do you integrate scientific knowledge, training and application into your clinical work? What advice do you have as practitioners approach the diversity in trainings to learn ways to craft their own? We want to hear and share your thoughts with our readers. Deadline for submissions is ongoing, final acceptance date is June 1, 2017.

Karnac offers special discount for SPT Magazine subscribers

Karnac publishers just announced a special 15{f4ab6da3d8e6a1663eb812c4a6ddbdbf8dd0d0aad2c33f2e7a181fd91007046e} discount on all books written/edited by Dr. Asaf Rolef Ben-Shahar. Now you can own Speaking of Bodies: Embodied Therapeutic Dialogues, When Hurt Remains: Relational Perspectives on Therapeutic Failure, and Touching the Relational Edge, and save money too. Be sure to check your SPT Magazine Subscriber newsletter for your special discount code on February 15, 2016.

USABP Call For Posters

The USABP is seeking posters or podium presentations for their 2016 conference in Rhode Island. These presentations are a great way to share your research results, to network with colleagues and create relationships that often lead to jobs and collaboration. It is a great opportunity!

Join us at the 16th European Congress for Body Psychotherapy

Imagine spending time this Fall in Berlin, Germany. September 6 to 9, 2018, our colleagues worldwide will gather to explore 'Body Psychotherapy and Challenges...

Call for Continuing Education (CE) Workshop Proposals

The APA Continuing Education Committee is now accepting half- and full-day workshop proposals for the APA 126th Annual Convention. Workshops are offered on a...

Common Ground in Body Psychotherapy

Common ground is an interesting phrase that has been in usage for a long time. The term “common ground” means different things to different people and sometimes even different things to the same person at different moments of his/her life. What exactly do we mean by the term “common ground” was the starting point for our discussion with each participant bringing a specific contribution to this dialogue and debate.