International Body Psychotherapy Journal

You are invited to read your review of the USABP's 2016 conference on Sexuality, Spirituality and the Body, as published in the International Body Psychotherapy Journal

The Spring 2017 issue (31-3) of JOPPPAH is now available

Authors Amika Dharmadhikari, Gajanan Kelkar, and Avinash Dharmadhikari of the Manashakti Institute in India generated discussion among the JOPPPAH editorial staff. It is the usual journal policy to publish only articles with unanimous support of the editorial team. Three of the four editorial team members found this article to meet the journal's quality standards for clinical contributions and valued its potential to add a unique cultural perspective. However, our Associate Editor, Dr. Thomas R Verny, dissented on this article over concerns that it did not contribute new insights and that it was not scientifically sound. He also expressed concern about the potential mixing of religion and science. However, since this is rather common in work from India, the rest of the team felt the article merited attention as it does present another cultural perspective that includes recognition of the soul in clinical approaches.

Register now for the USABP Fall Conference: The Science of Connection

The portals are ready! We can now register for the USABP Fall Conference at Pacifica Graduate Institute, at their Retreat Center. The pre-conferences on Thursday, November 1, 2018m are offered by Rae Johnson, Aline LaPierre and Lawrence Hedges. All three presenters are proven to offer excellent information and current insights in our field. The conference, entitled,The Science of Connection, is November 2-4 beginning at 8 am! 
Alice Ladas

Congratulations Hiroki Yamaji

SPT Magazine offers our congratulations to Hiroki Yamaji, the 2018 winner of the Alice Ladas Research Award. His study was titled: An Efficacy Study of Somatic Psychoeducation at a Japanese University. Hiroki addressed the question of whether an 8-week somatic psychoeducation course for college students could result in students developing somatic awareness and trust in the organism, and enhance integral functioning that included general mindfulness, stress resilience, interpersonal empathy, responsibility for self-care, and generic skills.

The Use of Touch in Psychotherapeutic Praxis Across Traditions

Join international experts as they discuss the various principles involved in touch in psychotherapy practice. Kathy Kain and Aline LaPierre and will be our guests while USABP’s new President, Dr. Chris Walling moderates the panelists in what promises to be an in depth discussion of the various approaches and applications of touch in therapeutic praxis.

USABP Webinar April 19

“Letting go” has long been a central concept in the psychological process of healing. It has been cast/seen as an essential step in getting unstuck and moving forward. Over the years of working with clients through Transformative Touch, the bodies of our clients have opened us to another consideration. In order to let go of something , you first need to be holding on to something. When this is the case, “letting go” makes sense and works. However, we have found with some clients , another scenario has registered in their body- that of something having a hold of it. Letting go in this instance will not work, and will actually increase frustration and self-judgement.

Common Ground in Body Psychotherapy

Common ground is an interesting phrase that has been in usage for a long time. The term “common ground” means different things to different people and sometimes even different things to the same person at different moments of his/her life. What exactly do we mean by the term “common ground” was the starting point for our discussion with each participant bringing a specific contribution to this dialogue and debate.

It’s Here! Online Now!

The International Body Psychotherapy Journal announces the publication of its Lisbon Congress Supplement. Articles from keynotes speakers are offered to add insight into and generate conversation about body psychotherapy.

Save the Date

Join SPT at the USABP 2018 conference November 2-4, at Pacifica Graduate Institute. The theme this year is: The Science of Connection: Honoring Somatic Intelligence. Pre registration begins March 15, 2018. Housing is available on campus.  A great time to meet the new USABP Board of Directors and connect with colleagues from across the globe. We plan to be there with a special book auction as well! See you in November! 

A Pioneering Music Project

We recently read a fascinating article in The National Geographic,January 1, 2019 highlighting what they called a "pioneering music project". A research team at the University Hospital in Geneva, Switzerland, working with premature babies, adapted special headphones and three specific songs for the babies to hear.